Get certified.

Show potential customers how future-proof your solution is. 

Gain your badge and show how your solution is on equal footing with the established technical criteria. Utilize your scores by comparing them against your industry.

Be part of a scoring
system that is
second to none!

We all know of peer-reviewed sources with subjective options or analyst firms that rate the whole company based on empirical criteria, but not platforms that evaluate the software product separately. combines both perspectives and creates a single, transparent score that is comparable for all.

Get scored.

Users are looking for validated, technical information. offers a more objective way to display your strengths to clients. Be where potential customers can find you!

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Frequently asked questions

What does Certification include? What do I get in return?

Certification gives you a chance to show how your product compares with those from other vendors. Your product will have its own listing in our reviews, as well as a solution page with details about the scoring. You will receive a badge to display on your own website. In addition to providing a comparison against competitors, a listing on allows software providers to present their own solution to potential customers in a transparent and comprehensible way.

Who can apply for a certification?

Theoretically, any software vendor can apply. The person submitting the application must be employed by the vendor itself (not by a partner agency or similar). In addition, the solution to be certified must belong to the industry verticals (Commerce, PIM, CMS/DXP, Search & Discovery—more will follow in Q2, we will gladly accept suggestions).

How long does the scoring process take?

The whole process includes registration, subsequent data upload, verification by the research team and publication of results. This can take 4-6 weeks, depending on the input we receive. Final verification and publication may take a little longer—the results may not be published until enough vendors have been collected from the various industry verticals (Commerce, PIM, CMS/DXP, Search & Discovery—more to come in Q2, we welcome suggestions).

What are the next steps?

After you have filled out the form, our research team will contact you. If you are the first employee at your organization to contact us, you will need to verify by email that you are employed there and should be the contact person. We will then send you the scoring questionnaire for you to complete. Afterwards, your information will be checked by our research team and your CA score will be determined.

Can anyone fill out the questionnaire? What information should be provided?

We need to be able to verify that you are the right contact person at your employer. For now, nothing else needs to be provided, just sit back and wait to hear from us. Since the assessment involves very technical criteria, the product team will also need to cooperate in the review process, unless you are part of that team yourself.