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Our scoring process is applied and objectively evaluated according to strengths and weaknesses.

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How easy is it to quickly and scalably build the individual solutions you need for your business using the application? See also: Best of Breed versus Best of Suite.
How well can a cloud application be broken down into its individual parts and used? The best solutions can be combined based on specific customer requirements.
How well can this application be connected and controlled via standardized applications? A functional API interface is able to interact with any other software.
How natively can this application be operated in the cloud (updates, backup, porting)? An ideal cloud solution is available everywhere, accessible at any time, highly secure, flexible and agile.
How independent can the application be from the end user’s interface (desktop, mobile, on the go…)? A functional solution is able to operate with any frontend.
Intershop’s commerce platform is suited to B2B, B2C and B2X business models alike with its omnichannel commerce solutions. Intershop serves more than 300 large and medium-sized companies worldwide, with Deutsche Telekom, Staples, HP, and BMW among their customers. The majority of Intershop’s customers are based in Europe, but they also serve companies in the USA and Asia Pacific region (mainly Australia).
SAP Commerce Cloud, formerly known as SAP Hybris Commerce, is the latest e-commerce solution of the German software giant SAP. SAP Commerce Cloud was built mainly for large enterprises with advanced B2B, B2C, and B2B2C use cases. It has a large global customer base, and can be used to build end-to-end omnichannel commerce experiences.
Spryker offers a fully modular digital commerce platform for B2B and B2C, as well as Enterprise Marketplace capabilities. Spryker was founded in 2014 in Berlin, Germany, and raised over $130 million in a Series C funding, led by Silicon Valley-based TCV in December 2020. According to Gartner®, Spryker is the fastest growing vendor in the 2021 Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce.


Because it was originally built on a monolithic architecture, Intershop scores relatively low for modularity/microservices. Intershop has made some efforts in recent years to increase its microservices offering, particularly by breaking down the monolithic platform into discrete services. However, this course of action has not yet been fully realized.
SAP Commerce Cloud is a monolithic platform and not based on a modular system/microservices. Only a few microservices-based modules have been added subsequently. One positive example is the Context-Driven Services, a cloud-native system that provides function-based extension points for end user-facing applications like recommendations, A/B testing, or real-time user segmentation.
Spryker’s architecture is based on a modular system/microservices, even though the products they offer focus on capabilities which are essentially bundles of microservices. Based on Gartner’s Packaged Business Capability (PBC) paradigm, this approach results in a less granular segmentation than microservices would offer, but reduces complexity and makes the deployment simpler. Services can be deployed independently and customized if needed.


Although Intershop offers a variety of APIs on the frontend, there are few for the backend. Intershop cannot be considered API first. In some respects, it could be said that they only offer fairly standard APIs on top of legacy monolithic business capabilities. No orchestration layer exists on the platform. That being said, the documentation for the APIs that are offered is reasonably thorough.
SAP Commerce Cloud is not an API-first solution — only newly-added features follow an API-first approach. Overall, the API coverage for business functionalities is quite extensive, but back-office APIs are very limited. In terms of the quality of existing APIs, SAP follows several modern standards like REST or OAuth 2.0 for authorization, and their documentation is comprehensive. Customization requires a great deal of effort as ​​no API configuration features are available.
Spryker is an API first solution with an exceptionally high coverage of functions via APIs. The Spryker “GLUE API” adheres to all modern quality and security standards, and supports versioning as well as different output types. High-code customizations and low-code configuration are available.

Cloud Native

Since 2016, Intershop has maintained a strategic partnership with Microsoft. In 2018, it began to pursue a cloud-first approach, and Intershop is now an integral player in the Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution portfolio. In late 2021, Intershop launched Intershop N, a cloud-based asset which marked the completion of the company’s technical cloud transformation initiative. Intershop’s digital commerce platform is available as a single-tenant hosted or multi-tenant SaaS / PaaS offering. Although Intershop has made many efforts towards a cloud-based approach in recent years, Intershop’s products are still not seamless and require implementation effort. Intershop is not versionless.
At the beginning, SAP Commerce Cloud was a private cloud implementation running on a proprietary SAP infrastructure. Today, the platform is a public cloud solution, predominantly running on Microsoft Azure and — in only a few cases — on AWS. It allows a high degree of automation (using Kubernetes) and extensive self-service for operational tasks. However, the monolithic architecture limits the flexibility of the cloud, and updates to the application stack remain massive.
Spryker started as a purely on-premise solution, but shifted entirely to a cloud-native approach. The Spryker Cloud Commerce OS is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution mainly deployed on AWS, but Azure and Google Cloud Platform are possible as well. Updates are automated for continuous deployment.


Intershop offers an all-in-one suite containing all the basic components required for an end-to-end commerce solution. However, this does not allow full composability as it does not offer the possibility to mix and match components entirely at will. Users can, of course, choose the functionalities they would like to work with. However, they cannot remove unused functionalities from their system. Intershop’s strongest composable aspect is the out-of-the-box set up for new instances or sites.
SAP Commerce Cloud does not offer a central extension layer that exists outside of the core applications. New application features cannot be deployed independently of the core application, which significantly limits composability. However, SAP Commerce Cloud offers some practical options for extension. As part of the SAP Customer Experience suite, powerful out-of-the box integrations with other SAP products like Customer Data Cloud and SAP Marketing Cloud are available. Additionally, the Extension Factory was introduced in 2019 to simplify the development of extensions. As for high-code customizations, the possibilities are extensive.
The Spryker Cloud Commerce OS is a modular system following the best of breed approach with a decent-sized and rapidly growing ecosystem of partners. On a business level, Spryker’s App Composition Platform is particularly powerful, enabling one-click integration of technology partners. On a technical level, Spryker provides a considerable number of Software Development Kits (SDK) as building blocks to simplify the development of new integrations, as well as high-, low- and no-code customizations.


Intershop scores highest for headless, largely due to the fact that they meet modern industry standards in their headless approach. Intershop provides out-of-the-box solutions that are decoupled from their platform, including an Angular-based Progressive Web Application (PWA). They also offer strong multichannel or omnichannel solutions.
The architecture of SAPCommerce Cloud is not fully headless. Even though the consumer-facing storefront is largely decoupled from the business logic, the backend is not decoupled at all. It is an interdependent legacy system which has grown over a long period of time. But in terms of frontends, SAP Commerce Cloud is well-suited for omnichannel or multichannel purposes and offers five default frontends for different verticals as well as Spartacus, an open-source JavaScript progressive web frontend.
Spryker is a truly headless solution and optimized to be used in multi- and omnichannel setups. It provides a strong out-of-the-box frontend that lacks some personalization capabilities in Spryker’s own CMS, but the flexibility in terms of customizations and third party integrations is very high.


Intershop is a well-known provider, particularly in the European market. As well as offering many out-of-the-box e-commerce functionalities, Intershop offers strong headless integrations and omnichannel capabilities. However, since Intershop was originally built as a monolithic platform, it should be clear that some modern architecture and principals, such as microservices, are lacking. Additionally, Intershop is not API first.
SAP Commerce Cloud is a monolithic commerce platform. It has been modernized and benefits from its integration into the larger SAP product portfolio, but only partially meets our criteria for modern commerce technology. It offers the decoupled Spartacus frontend and other solid APIs, but the backend is untouched and the core remains tightly coupled. Customization is only feasible as a high-code solution, and the lack of microservices significantly reduces composability.
Spryker is a leader in the Cloud Agility Score with a special focus on composability via its App Composition Platform and the use of Packaged Business Capabilities. The latter feature makes microservices Spryker’s lowest subscore—at an overall very high level. The Spryker Cloud Commerce OS is headless throughout, offers nearly comprehensive high-quality API coverage, and is deployed natively on leading cloud hosting providers.


What is Intershop?
Intershop is a robust and innovative e-commerce platform, tailored to the needs of complex business processes and major organisations. As a leading supplier of innovative e-commerce solutions, Intershop offers powerful software and an extensive service pack to support multichannel sales.
What does Intershop do/offer?
Intershop allows businesses to sell online, mobile, in store, via call center, or any other digital sales channel. Its Web Content Management system allows business users to visually create product- and/or content-driven landing pages.
Who uses Intershop?
Intershop’s target markets cover both the B2C and B2B markets and include retail, wholesale, manufacturers, distributors, telecommunications, high-tech, automotive, pharmaceutical and others.
Is Intershop headless?
Intershop is an API-based commerce platform with a decoupled front end. Intershop provides APIs, and a progressive web app based on Angular.
Is Intershop free?
Intershop is not an open source solution and therefore not available for free. Intershop offers different subscription plans, from affordable to more expensive with increasing amount of features and services.
What is SAP?
SAP means “Systems Applications and Products in data processing”. The SAP Software portfolio offers end to end solutions and covers most of its clients’ business requirements whether it is a financial, operational, human resources or e-commerce concern.
What is SAP used for?
As one of the world’s leading software systems dedicated to the management of business processes, SAP facilitates effective data processing and information flow across organizations. SAP connects all parts of a business into an intelligent suite on a fully digital platform.
Who are typical SAP customers?
SAP customers by industry (declining in number and relevance): Computer Software, Information Technology and Services, Staffing and Recruiting, Retail, Computer Hardware, Machinery, Utilities, Telecommunications, Oil and Energy, Management Consulting.
What is difference between SAP and ERP?
ERP is a superset of SAP, whereas SAP is a Tier 1 ERP software offering. ERP is more like a methodology which follows a specific set of standards to link applications together in a single architecture based on functions. ERP helps an organization manage and consolidate its overall performance across various functions.
Is SAP free?
SAP offers a solution as software-as-a-service in the cloud. The amount of the monthly subscription fee depends on the revenue managed with the solution.
What is Spryker?
Spryker is a commerce platform with a full suite of e-commerce tools which enables companies to create sophisticated, transactional business models in B2B, Enterprise Marketplaces, Unified Commerce and B2C.
What does Spryker do/offer?
The Spryker Cloud Commerce OS is a composable platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution with headless & API-based architecture. Enterprises from all industries can use Spryker to innovate and differentiate their digital commerce business.
Is Spryker headless?
Spryker ‘s architecture is headless, the business logic and backend are decoupled from the customer-facing frontend. Spryker enables headless commerce solutions and is optimized to be used in multi- and omnichannel setups.
What is Spryker Marketplace?
Spryker’s commerce platform provides B2B, B2C, D2C, and Marketplace capabilities in one stack. That means that Spryker customers can build their own marketplaces in the Spryker Cloud Commerce OS.
Is Spryker free?
Spryker is no open source solution and does not offer the option of a free trial.

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